Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wrapped up 4: give a beautiful bag from Verb no need to wrap!
Wrapped up part 1
Present 1 is the apron I made last week from up cycled fabrics. Wrapped up with recycled tissue paper - always hard to find a piece that isn't torn - and tied up with a crocheted "ribbon" using scrap wool.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Crochet newbie takes on mohair
Monday, December 12, 2011
I made a little town
Of course you have.
That's what happened to me when I saw these most amazing gingerbread houses by Megan over at Not Martha:
The woman is amazing. She single-handedly inspired my recent gingerbread frenzy. I won't say that there wasn't tears when I realized that we were out of eggs (this is after leaving all the ingredients locked in my office at work) and I can't say that they looked anything like Megan's. But they were delicious and I did get to serve them to a small army of appreciative gingerbread lovers.
There is something seriously strange going on with American mug sizes because even though I used Megan's pattern to cut my cookie constructables, and they didn't expand much during cooking, the houses were waaaaay to big for little old Australian mugs. No one minded.
Try it out yourself- if you dare.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
How to help without getting in the way
I am incredibly lucky. I estimate that I'm probably among the top 5% of the world's most fortunate people. I live in a country that provides me with a level of free (or close to free) medical care, clean water whenever I want it, and oh the food! I have access to food from around the world whenever I want it. From my home, I can easily walk to at least 2 grocery stores and a number of cafes and restaurants. These places never run out off food and offer meals at a price I can afford. I enjoy a general level of safety and political security. I have the right to free speech and to protest, to vote, and to work and live in a manner of my choosing (given some sensible parameters). I have an excellent post graduate education that cost me a fraction of the cost of a new car and my government gave me an interest free loan which is paid through my tax only when I am employed above a certain salary level. I have a job that I love dearly; it allows me to make small but noticeable differences in people's lives every day. It pays me enough to feel comfortable in my community without getting too cocky. Most importantly, I am surrounded by people who love and support me and we have regular opportunities to be in each other's company.
You see, I'm pretty lucky. You might be pretty lucky too- either in similar or other ways. And when I think about how lucky I am, I can't help thinking about the people who are living very different lives to me. I guess I'm feeling completely inadequate and incompetent when it comes to assisting those who need it most in the ways that will help the most.
But this is not about guilt. While guilt has been a tool of choice for some organizations, I'm not interested in guilt trips. Guilt will motivate someone to donate a few dollars for some relief from that nagging feeling. Guilt is good for creating a short term fix. Guilt will not engage the heart end the mind. Guilt will not help empower people to do what they can with what they have. In fact, guilt has the potential to make us lose hope; to think that the problem is too big, or too distant.
I'm hoping to make lasting changes in my everyday life that will make a difference to the way that my actions impact on and contribute to the lives of others. This isn't about donations, which might be forgotten or inconsistently made. This isn't about one two week trip to Africa to build a school, and I'll explain why later. This isn't about creating a new organization; there are plenty of good organizations out there, the world probably doesn't need a new one. This is about supporting and joining groups that move beyond charity, who offer long term solutions that are context sensitive.
Let the journey begin!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Red Shield Appeal - quick crochet project
I just made this little cutie. I love a project I can complete in one night.
It is part of the Salvation Army's latest fundraising drive. If you'd like the pattern, make sure you go to the Salvo's webpage and make a donation!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Pillow case tops
I've been mucking around with pillowcases from thrift/op shops lately. My fascination with pillowcases partly comes from the fact that they are normally one of the cheapest items in the shops and so make for cheap fabric while I'm working out my sewing skills. Also, I've been using them because I'm really keen to reduce my own waste by buying and using recycled goods. Sewing and crafts can actually be very wasteful hobbies when you think about it -so I'm trying to do my bit. Here's two of my creations. I finished them early Saturday and wore each of them for a day this weekend.
What do you think? Can I get away with these in public?I have to credit these sources for providing guidence/ideas/inspiration:
Monday, August 22, 2011
My other creations :)
Making a lot of earrings at the I think I'll have a go at rings!
These photos aren't great but you get the idea.Byron Bay!
Here's some quick pics of a weekend spent in Byron and Northern New South Wales.
Down at the beach.
On the way to Alstonville...
The Rous bonfire - the annual fundraising event for the Rous school. We were about a kilometer from it when we started to see the light. I thought they'd accidently set the whole school on fire. It was huge! The photos don't to it justice.
What I've been up to...
Craft has occupied a lot fo my spare time at the moment. I haven't had a lot of it...but I've spent the time I do have making things with my own hands.
I've almost finished the Crepe dress from Colette patterns!
I've also been making earrings - here's my latest effort - yellow roses!
I've been cooking mexican and my own version of a Vietnames salad (with pumpkin - yum!).
I've learnt to crochet....I'm working on two blankets at the moment. Here's a sneak preview of one.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Computer very ill
Keep your fingers crossed!
Friday, July 15, 2011
A sleepy afternoon.
I wonder what other people would do if they had one afternoon to fill any way they liked...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
We did it!
Crepe attacks!
Yes, I couldn't stand to cut up the beautiful pattern so I've made a copy of my size.
Oh, yes, those are my fave brown boots in this pic. The bodice is coming together nicely.
Friday, July 1, 2011
My month in pictures
I also had two holidays to Maleny (see some tourist info here) One trip was with friends and one with family for my mother's 60th birthday. It was very relaxing. Here's a pic of the Australian wine and beer we drank.
I did some more baking. I also tried to make some cookies/scones without using sugar. They turned out OK but the recipe needs some work. You can see a short video below.
One of my most exciting outings was to the new "Stitchery Collective" in Spring Hill Brisbane. These ladies are QUT graduates and are developing a collective around not for profit fashion. Look at their amazing fabric samples!
"The Stitchery" hold classes and I went to the 'upcycling' workshop. I made this dress below. The idea is to make new fashion from existing pieces. Can you guess what type of item my dress used to be?
We also went for a few walks. Here's two of my fave pics. No editing etc.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Make your own tin can soap dispenser!
photo from funkytime
Monday, June 13, 2011
Giveaway comp on "Oh Happy Day": Trip to Paris.

Enter here: and don't forget to check out her DIY projects. Here's one of my faves: a make your own s'mores kit!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Brrr, it's getting cold here!
So I thought this was a great opportunity to cook a slow soup. I took two recipes this one from Jamie Oliver and this one from Donna Hay (who used to be the Marie Claire Australia food editor). The result was this soup.
I couldn't help putting my new recipe into a video. You can see the result of my efforts here:
I was feeling pretty chuffed about that until I saw this video by tiger in a jar on Vimeo: it is stunning! I have a lot to learn before I can create something like that...not to mention, I need a video camera. Oh well. I'm happy to muck around for now and will use the beautiful vids from "tiger" as inspiration.